The School House B&B Blog

Nature meets History on a Walk through Oakly Park to Ludlow

1st June 2024

Oakly Park is a hidden gem on the outskirts of Ludlow, just 25 minutes’ drive from The School House B&B. The park is home to much of the livestock that's reared for the local produce that you can buy at the nearby Ludlow Farmshop. This is a really peaceful walk that leads you through the park and surrounding farmland on the outskirts of Ludlow, across the River Teme at Dinham Bridge towards Ludlow Castle, St. Laurence’s Church and the market square.

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Seven Scenic Walks in The Shropshire Hills

15th March 2024

From rolling hills to ancient woodlands to picturesque valleys, the Shropshire Hills are best explored on foot. If you're seeking adventure and tranquility, here are seven scenic walks in and around the Shropshire Hills, close to The School House B&B, that promise a visual delight:

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A Dam Fine Day Out | Walking in the Elan Valley

4th February 2023

We had a great day out in the Elan Valley last week, just an hour’s drive from The School House B&B. With 72 square miles of unspoilt nature, 5 reservoirs and plenty of walking and cycling pathways to choose from, we reckon this might just be the ‘Welsh Lake District’ (only much quieter than the English one!).

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5 Reasons to Love February

6th January 2022

February may be the shortest month, but it certainly packs a punch when it comes to blowing off the cobwebs.

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Enjoying Carding Mill Valley and The Long Mynd

22nd November 2020

We enjoyed a visit to Carding Mill Valley and The Long Mynd near Church Stretton on a cool but clear November day. This is National Trust managed area is one of the most popular destinations in the Shropshire Hills.

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Walking Around Clun

1st December 2018

Clun is a small ‘Walkers Are Welcome’ town on the border of Wales in the undulating Shropshire Hills, just 15 minutes from us at The School House B&B. Here are details of three walks.

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The Shropshire Hills in the Palm of our Hand

4th March 2018

Here at The School House B&B we’re perfectly located to enjoy some of the best countryside in Shropshire. You might even say that we've got the Shropshire Hills in the palm of our hand…

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A Feast of Walking Festivals

17th April 2017

We’re spoilt for choice as far as walking festivals go in Shropshire and the bordering counties. We have three excellent festivals within 30 minutes’ drive of The School House B&B - Bishop's Castle in May, Church Stretton in June and Kington in September.

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Wrapping Up for a Winter Walk

8th January 2017

You can’t beat wrapping up in those layers and getting out for a good walk on a crisp winter’s day, especially when there’s a good pint and an open fire at the end of it.

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Horrible History: Hillforts and Hegemony

8th November 2016

I used to hate History at school and gave it up at the earliest opportunity. It didn’t help that my teacher was a great hulk of a man with a rather intimidating booming voice and wild, thinning hair.

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Fozzie's Granola

28th September 2016

Inspired by my fellow B&B landladies at Hopton House and The Old Stables, I decided to try making my own granola.

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A Summer's Sunday Stroll

6th June 2016

Summer’s finally arrived and it was too hot to be slogging up steep hills on Sunday, so we opted for a stroll along the Herefordshire Trail from Brampton Bryan to Leintwardine.

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If You Go Down to the Woods Today

1st June 2016

It’s the 1st of June and the start of '30 Days Wild' – an initiative by the Wildlife Trusts presumably to get kids into nature just as Summer approaches, but I thought it would be fun to take part this year since we are now well and truly in the countryside. Today the 30 Days Wild challenge is to write something about nature, so here’s my (somewhat far-fetched perhaps) B&B take on that.

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