The Gatten Valley Daffodil Field | Shropshire's Hidden Gem

7th March 2022

Shropshire’s ‘Field of Hope’

As the daffodils in our garden begin to show their heads, we’ve been reminded of a little-known and very special place in the Shropshire Hills - the Gatten Valley Daffodil Field. Having lived in Liverpool in the mid-90’s, the incredible Marie Curie ‘Field of Hope’ in Sefton Park was a sight to behold and a must-visit each spring. As soon as I heard about Shropshire’s beautiful equivalent, it was on the bucket list.

Finding a Hidden Gem

One evening in April last year we took a trip out in search of this place we’d heard about. It was a sunny evening as we drove into unknown territory beyond the Stiperstones ridge that we know so well. The Gatten Valley road is long, narrow and winding but with the Stiperstones on one side and the Long Mynd on the other, you don’t want it to end. Sat nav had other ideas though, telling us we’d reached our destination postcode long before we reached the field.

A Host of Golden Daffodils

Just when we thought we’d missed a turning, we emerged from a small wood to find some picnic benches next to a stream. Across a small footbridge and through a wicket gate was what we came to see - not just a host of golden daffodils but 170,000 of them. Truly breathtaking.

A montage of pictures showing the daffodil field in the Gatten Valley in Shropshire

There’s a small parking area with a box for donations to Marie Curie. As well as the picnic benches by a stream there are benches around the field to sit and remember loved ones lost to cancer. Attached to the fence along the edge of the field there were dedications, one carrying the following touching words:

“Although no longer earth-bound

your soul forever will

A reminder lives in nature

upon this daffodil.”

It really is a very special place, not only to remember loved ones but also to wander lonely as a cloud in the very peaceful surroundings of the Shropshire Hills.

Why not book a stay with us in March or April and come and discover this hidden gem?

Keywords: Springtime, Shropshire Hills